T'ai-Ji events in 2024 at The Orchard Dharma Centre
Embracing Tiger, Returning to Mountain
“When all striving ceases, the mind’s essential peace will be revealed”
The practice of T'ai-Ji is an act of loving-kindness towards oneself and to others. Through it we connect with an inner space of peace, harmony and ease, both physically and emotionally.
At The Orchard T’ai-Ji is presented in a non-intrusive manner, allowing for space and lightness. By not forcing ourselves into a preferred direction, we yield to the moment, stay grounded and approach any activity with ease, clarity and strength, making T’ai-Ji the healing force it is meant to be.
Through the forms of The Five Moving Forces and The Four Circles, we share our learning with joyful mindfulness, embracing with loving kindness whatever comes our way. Once we let-go of the cherishing of our judgements and surrender to the moment, T’ai-Ji will spontaneously express itself.
“In the non-doing the mind’s essential peace is revealed”
All T’ai-Ji retreats can be joined with or without any previous experience. Groups are on purpose of mixed levels of experience to enhance our learning through sharing with each other. Each retreat focuses on the practice of mindfulness through T’ai-Ji movement, relaxation and breathing exercises, sitting and walking meditation, emphasising the integration of this practice in daily life.
We are looking forward to sharing our T'ai-Ji journey with you.
T'ai-Ji events in 2024 at The Orchard Dharma Centre
Weekly T'ai-Ji classes
Weekly T'ai-Ji classes via zoom
Wednesday evenings from 6 - 7pm
I hope that in this way we will be able to support each other in our practice and enjoy sharing some time together, even if it is only virtually.
Let me know by e-mail whether you would like to join and I will then invite you by sending you the required ID and password.
We will start each session with some warm-up chi-kung exercises followed by working with the Five Elements and the Circles.
All levels are welcome.
I am running these meetings free of charge as an offering of gratitude for the teachings I have received myself over the years.
If however you wished to give dana, I will receive that with gratitude
I am looking forward to seeing you.
Weekly face-to-face T'ai-ji classes at The Orchard
I will resume the fortnightly face-to-face t'ai-ji sessions at The Orchard on Wednesdays from 3.30 - 5.30 from March / April onwards
T'ai-Ji Seminars
T’ai–Ji Seminar
Friday 2nd(9am) - Sunday 4th(4pm) / Tuesday 6th(4pm) August
T’ai-ji is a practice of kindness towards oneself and invites us to open up to where we are, transcending the sense of a limited “me”, reaching out and feeling deeply connected with our environment
In this seminar we will explore the forms of the Five Moving Forces and the Circles, play and dance with them. They are not an end in themselves but a way, a path towards softening and touching a place of ease within ourselves.
Nothing to do, nothing to prove, nothing to force, nothing to want and t’ai-ji will spontaneously express itself
This seminar will be open to all levels of experience.
Cost: £ 500 for the full 5 days or £ 300 for three.
Cost includes accommodation and tuition fee.
Participants will need to bring food to share.
Extra nights before or after the seminar will be charged with £ 25.
In case you don’t need accommodation, the course fee will be reduced by £25 a night.